Temporary Inline Stainless Steel Strainer - East Coast Filter, Inc.

 The moment you wake up in the morning, and you want to pour some of that fresh-brewed coffee into your cup but…. You’re without a strainer! And every day we are plagued with this problem. But don't fear--the temporary inline stainless steel strainer will save us from the wrath of our hot beverage. Yep, it's as amazing as it sounds! Pop one on when needed and be left happy and content once again; no more spilling coffee all over the kitchen counter because there is nobody who knows how dangerous liquid heat can be better than your family (and maybe neighbors).

A few awesome features: the slanted open top design allows fluid to enter easily and cuts down pressure drop. This also allows. Get the best temporary Inline Stainless Steel Strainer at a very affordable price.


• Mesh liners of 20, 40, 60, 80, and 100 (best with basket type strainers)

• Line flushing after any modification work

• 2" to 24" flanged connection

• Available in Stainless Steel or Monel

• ANSI Classes 150, 300, and 600

• Perforations from 1/32" to1/2" diameter

• Optional: Alloy construction, RTJ-style connections


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