Hydraulic Filtration System

The hydraulic hose must match the highest pressure capable in the hydraulic filter system, which is usually the pressure provided by the pump. However, of course there are components of increasing pressure on machines that can be much higher than hydraulic assistance or pump pressure capacity, especially when cylinders that intensify the pressure generated. Special attention must apply when designing a system with a flow divider directed due to this effect. Hose usually has an explosion rating of 4 times the rating of pressure so even though lower ranked hose can work for a short time, they will be exhausted and then fail in a shorter time. We recommend that you see a failed hose to make sure it will match the Hydraulic flow circuit pressure rating. Sometimes people can only make the hydraulic hose assembly of the type of hose wrong and will not realize it only until failure. This can happen even from the factory. High pressure hydraulic lines for cellular equipment usually come in se...